Monday, January 30, 2012


Well I dislike Mondays. The husband is back to work and I flounder to find my spot on the journey of stay at home mom. After working for him and now his knew job change it is difficult seeing him off on Mondays.  That's part of my reason to start this blog. Life as I knew it is so different then life as I know it.

The physical concept to friendships and outside life has now been put into a keyboard on my laptop. Distance between (family,friends) stinks!  I think it may be one of the destroying factors in the world today. Could you imagine a world where your friends and family could be visited in a reasonable amount of time and price when traveling.  Or one better they all live in the same town!

We went to Maryland yesterday to visit my sister, her kids, and her new grand baby twin boys. Traveled  2 and a half hrs to stay an 1 1/2hrs  ughhh. My parents where up from Florida for the week also. To short but it is a necessary evil. We need to all engage or we disconnect.  I wish it was different. Even my husbands side is far away.  Time slips by and we continue to say we hope to get there soon.

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.”
- Anthony Brandt

Friday, January 27, 2012

The warrior of the Light is terrified when making important decisions.

"This is too much for you," says a friend. "Go on, be brave," says another. And so his doubts grow.

After some days of anxiety, he withdraws to the corner of his tent where he usually sits to meditate and pray. He sees himself in the future. He sees the people who will benefit or be harmed by his attitude. He does not want to cause pointless suffering, but nor does he want to abandon the path.

The Warrior allows the decision to reveal itself.

If he has to say "yes," he will say it bravely. If he has to say "no,"  he will say it without a trace of cowardice.

~Paulo Coelho

      Recently I have been baffled by the perplexity of making a decision on how to move forward at this time in my life. I have never reached a season where I yearned so deeply to serve my heavenly father. I am stuck in the how though. Do you understand how many people struggle with wanting to make a difference or feeling a sense of accomplishment in their day.  What I ask is accomplishment anymore?
 Is it how much we got done at work?
How many extra hours we put in?
 Is it that we where able to set our minds right to accomplish all the cleaning tasks in a day that must take place?
Is it being a best selling book?
 Is it being able to afford to food shop once a week?
Is it volunteering at a local food bank?
Is it attending church on Sunday?

Has accomplishment just come down to the simple check of the box done on our task list or do we really want more out of journey?


   This is my blog a place to really dig deep and figure out how we waste so much time a day doing things that someone has told us has to get done. I believe there may be more to the 24 hours in a day God has gifted us with. I am afraid it has been lost to the financial ties of debt and the mundane struggle to get up and go to work to pay it down.  Recently I lost my job. Recently I gained a new one though that does not pay me in money. It stretches me to farthest place in my being to learn the act of kindness called "paying it forward"  I may just see small rewards here and there in my daily walk but I believe years from now the work that is taking place now will reap many deep loving rewards in ways I can not understand this side of heaven.  But I am willing to change daily and wake with a brave "yes' in my soul.