Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joy in the songs


Well today we are half way through our week and I just got the most heart warming video to watch. If this 4 year old girl isn't the cutest lil peanut around. The best part is when she says she picked the song to make her daddy smile! 
Oh the simple things in life. Somewhere in the journey we loose this childlike way of thinking. We get busy and forget that we where created to glorify God (our heavenly father) just as this young beauty sings with joy for her daddy the concept is the same. If only we got on our prettiest lil dress some sparkly shoes and twirled out of splendor on the big stage of life to make our "Father" smile. Knowing that he is why we take our next breath each day.  What an inspiring video this is. I hope we all can find a little peace of that childlike playfulness today and be glad to sing for Him.
                                 This kind of joy overflows into our lives and through our loved ones.

Pass it on! Don't let today be one of sorrow or stumble. Find peace in the small things so you can find the song you want to sing in your heart to make not just yourself but others smile! 

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